// https://stackoverflow.com/a/70385342/1040915 tweakBottomPadding(); tweakWidth(); function tweakBottomPadding() { // The Ananke theme hard-codes `pb7` Tachyon (http://tachyons.io/) class (https://bit.ly/3myqBFy), // leading to `padding-bottom: 16rem` which is (IMO) much too large. // I could instead have overridden the `_default/baseof` layout, but I prefer to make small // overrides rather than fork at a static version. var main = document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0]; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/16337545/1040915 // I wish all IE8 users a very Not Fucking Working Internet. if (main.classList.contains('pb7')) { main.classList.add('pb5'); main.classList.remove('pb7'); console.log('Reduced bottom-padding'); } else { console.log('`main` element does not have pb7 class - not replacing it'); } } function tweakWidth() { var article = document.getElementsByTagName('article')[0]; if (article.classList.contains('mw8')) { article.classList.add('mw9'); article.classList.remove('mw8'); console.log('Widened article element'); } else { console.log('`article` element does not have mw8 class - not replacing it'); } }