kind: pipeline name: hello-world type: docker platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: block-posts-containing-tk image: busybox commands: # This is necessary because, if `grep ...` doesn't find anything, it will _return_ (not print) a value of 1 # (non-zero return codes indicating errors in Unix - since there are many more ways for something to go wrong # than there are for it to go right!), and so the `files=` assignment will also return 1, and the whole operation # will be considered a failure. # # Since a non-zero value is truthy in Linux, we can use the OR operator (`||`) to only execute the second command # if the first one errors out. So, this line can be translated to English as: # "Set the variable `files` to a list of all the files that contain `TK` - unless there aren't any, in which case # set it to `FILES NOT FOUND" - files=$(grep -rl 'TK' blog/content/posts || echo "FILES NOT FOUND") # We have to filter out (`grep -v`) the "marker" value of `FILES NOT FOUND`, otherwise the no-matches case would # be recorded as having 1 matching file, leading to an error-out below. # (I guess _technically_ there's an edge case in that, if I ever make a blog post titled "FILES NOT FOUND" _which also_ # contains the string `TK`, it would slip through this check. But that feels pretty unlikely - not least because spaces # are very rare in my filesystem names - so I'm ok taking that risk) - count=$(wc -l <(echo "$files" | grep -v "FILES NOT FOUND") | awk '{print $1}') - if [[ "$count" -gt "0" ]]; then - echo "Found TK in $count files:" - echo $files - exit 1 # TODO - and alerting via Matrix! - fi - name: copy-cert-into-place image: busybox volumes: - name: docker-cert-persistence path: /etc/docker/certs.d/ commands: # - mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/ - cp /registry_cert.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/ - name: check-cert-persists-between-stages image: alpine volumes: - name: docker-cert-persistence path: /etc/docker/certs.d/ commands: - apk add curl - curl --cacert /etc/docker/certs.d/ - name: build-blog image: alpine # Very unlikely to need updates, and pulling images seems slow on this setup - # can manually reset this if necessary pull: if-not-exists commands: # I considered caching this install in a pre-built image in registry, # but the install seems pretty quick! - apk add hugo git - git submodule init - git submodule update --recursive - hugo --source blog - name: push-built-image image: plugins/docker volumes: - name: docker-cert-persistence path: /etc/docker/certs.d/ settings: repo: tags: built_in_ci debug: true launch_debug: true - name: update_blog_deployment # I've tried using and #, but neither is built for arm64 image: busybox # Replicating the commands from # commands: # - # there's no bitnami/kubectl image for arm64 - wget - chmod +x kubectl - echo "Echoing Kubernetes Server" - echo $kubernetesServer - ./kubectl config set-credentials default --token=$kubernetesToken - echo $kubernetesCert | base64 -d > ca.crt - ./kubectl config set-cluster default --server=$kubernetesServer --certificate-authority=ca.crt - ./kubectl config set-context default --cluster=default --user=default - ./kubectl config use-context default - ./kubectl apply -f kubernetes-resources.yml # This next line wouldn't be necessary if new tags were generated for each image # (though then I'd have to dynamically plumb them into the yml file) # TODO - research if there's a better way to do this. Note that this isn't done # in the `honestbee` repo that I copied from - but I confirmed by `curl`-ing localhost # that simply applying the yml leaves the definitions and the service's output # unchanged, despite `imagePullPolicy: 'Always'` - ./kubectl rollout restart -n blog deployment/blog-deployment environment: kubernetesServer: from_secret: k8s_server kubernetesCert: from_secret: k8s_cert kubernetesToken: from_secret: k8s_token volumes: - name: docker-cert-persistence temp: {}