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Keycloak Backup 2024-04-06T17:34:34-07:00 [homelab keycloak k8s]

Setting up regular backup for my [Keycloak installation]({{< ref "/posts/oidc-on-k8s" >}}) was a lot trickier than I expected!

Although there is a export command on the image, there's a long-standing bug whereby the export process and the server clash for the same port. I went down the rabbit-hole with the Keycloak folks trying to workaround that - only to realize that, because the image doesn't come with cron installed, I wouldn't be able to schedule the export on the main pod anyway, but would have to schedule it externally.

A Kubernetes CronJob was the obvious solution - but there were several hoops to jump through first:

  • I needed to replicate an initContainer which, so far as I can tell, just copies a directory into a PV, only for that same PV to get mounted at the original path again in the main container
  • I couldn't just run export as I had on the primary pod, but had to explicitly pass --db, --db-username, and --db-password. This is probably self-evident if you understand the architecture of Keycloak, but wasn't obvious to me - the initial attempts to export from the main pod were failing because of a port clash, so "obviously" (scare-quotes because this is apparently wrong!) it was pulling data from some external datasource rather than from a local source.
  • Since I was having the CronJob write out to an NFS-mounted volume (on my NAS), I needed to specify securityContext.runAsUser and securityContext.fsGroup on the container, and ensure that the corresponding values were set on the directory in the NAS's local filesystem, otherwise the CronJob would be denied write permission (thanks to this SO question for helping me figure this out - NFS permissions are beginning to make sense to me, but I'm still getting my head around it!)

My solution is here. It's not perfect (I'd love to find a way to run $(date +%s) in the args to name the files according to date, and this setup breaks the neat "app-of-apps" setup I have going because this didn't seem deserving of a full Chart setup), but it works! It'd be really cool to contribute this to the Bitnami Chart - I'm imagining a backup namespace in the values.yaml specifying schedule, persistent volume specs, and realms. Shouldn't be too hard...