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TK Block 2023-03-05T21:45:00-08:00 [CI/CD meta]

I just added a process to my blog deployment pipeline to block the deployment of any blogs that contain the characters "TK".


"TK" is a printing and journalism reference indicating that more content is "To Come" (the mismatching initialism is intentional, since very few English words contain the letters "TK"1 - so a search for those characters is very unlikely to turn up a false positive).

One use of this is as a "placeholder", when you know roughly what will go in a given place in a written work, but don't have the references or inclination to fill it out entirely. By just chucking "TK - a swordfight" or "TK - analysis of European GDP" in place, you can keep up your momentum by moving on to the parts that you do feel ready to write right now2, and return to fill out the TKs once more-appealing options have been exhausted.

In the traditional publishing world, an Editor would be responsible for the final pass over the work to make sure all TKs have been caught before sending the content out to readers. In the thrilling world of the future where we have taught sand to think by blasting it with lightning, we can automate that process! Look at the changes to .drone.yml in the commit that introduced this blog post to see how.

Wait, but...this blog contains the characters TK?

I know! See if you can figure it out :)

  1. Alright, you know I couldn't resist checking:

    $ cat /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l
    $ cat /usr/share/dict/words | grep -i 'tk' | wc -l
    $ echo "100*40/235886" | bc -l

    So, about 0.017% of common English words contain those characters. Some stand-outs include "boatkeeper", "giantkind", and "outknave".

  2. Though, see also George's thoughts on Being Creative Uphill and How To Write When You Can't